Encouraging Others Through Christ

Encouraging Others Through Christ

Hosted by: Cliff Ravenscraft

Launched in April 2006, this podcast, originally named the "About The Church" podcast, has journeyed through a remarkable evolution. Its inception saw me, your host, deeply rooted in fundamentalist, evangelical...

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013 GSATC – Sharing Our Faith

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012 GSATC – The Mighty Tongue

Click Here To Download This Podcast Song: Turn by the Khromozomes
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011 GSATC – Almost Daily Devotional – What Is In A Song?

Today, I've chosen to simply play a song for our devotional thought of the day. Simply sit back and listen to the words closely. Artist: Wahba Song Title: Lead Us To You! Found on music.podshow.com Psalm 30:3-4 O...
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010 GSATC – Almost Daily Devotional – Can We Trust It?

Have you ever questioned whether the Bible is a reliable source for historical fact? Have you ever had any friends who argued that the Bible is manmade and therefore can't be trusted? North Point Ministries has...
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009 GSATC – Almost Daily Devotional – Only If You Like Them

People will only listen to you if they know you LIKE THEM! This at first seemed to be a no brainer. Heck, I thought I pretty much liked everyone! Afterall, aren't we commanded to LOVE everyone? Of course I like these...
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008 GSATC – Almost Daily Devotional – Other People Exist

In this devotional, we continue our devotional thought on the terrifying trend of Christians loosing all influence among unbelievers. How do we fix this problem? We must wrap our mind around the fact that OTHER PEOPLE...
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007 GSATC – Almost Daily Devotional – Who Are Your Friends?

In this devotional, we take a very small clip from a conference where Donald Miller was one of the guest speakers. In this podcast, I talk about the sad statistic that almost all brand new Christians loose touch with...
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006 GSATC – Almost Daily Devotional – The Best Question Ever!

The Best Question Ever! Adapted from a sermon series by Andy Stanley of Northpoint Community Church titled β€œFool Proof.” You can hear full Andy Stanley sermons by clicking here. If anyone knows someone at NorthPoint's...
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005 GSATC – Almost Daily Devotional – Why Do We Run?

This is the very first of what I hope to be many Almost Daily Devotionals. As God lays wisdom or insight on my heart, I will do my best to get behind the microphone and share these things with you. In this episode, I...
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004 GSATC 07-17-2006 Interview with Dr. Ralph W. Neighbour Jr.

Where Do We Go From Here? This is the title of a book written by Dr. Ralph W. Neighbour, Jr. He has often been called the β€œfather of the cell movement.” In this podcast episode (#4), I had the opportunity to do a...
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003 GSATC 07-11-2006 What is a Cell Church?

Listener Comments: 413-521-0958 I have been podcasting since December of 2005 and more than 7,000 people from around the world have heard me talk about the hit abc show LOST on a weekly basis. Getting to know me...
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002 - Choose The Life Sermon

Wow! I am creating a backup archive of this podcast in June 2021. I had to convert the original video episode of this podcast to an MP3 file to fit the audio only format.Β Β  I believe this may have been the last sermon...
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