Encouraging Others Through Christ

Encouraging Others Through Christ

Hosted by: Cliff Ravenscraft

Launched in April 2006, this podcast, originally named the "About The Church" podcast, has journeyed through a remarkable evolution. Its inception saw me, your host, deeply rooted in fundamentalist, evangelical...

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025 GSTAC – Hebrews 12:14

Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord. Click Here To Download This Episode
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024 GSATC – Watermark Podcast Now Live!

Check out the newly created Watermark Community Church Podcast website! The site is FUNCTIONAL but has not had any modifications to the LOOKS of the site just yet. Click Here To Download This Episode
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023 GSATC – SERMON – Desperate in the Bedroom

This sermon was preached on May 20th, 2007 at Watermark Community Church. Sex is not something you typically hear about on a Sunday Morning at Church. However, in this sermon, Pastor Chad takes the topic brings the...
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022 GSATC SERMON – Desperate Communication

This sermon was preached on May 13th, 2007 at Watermark Community Church. Communication between husband and wife is often strained. In this message, we hear about how God has wired men and women differently,...
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021 GSATC SERMON – Religion BYTES Part 3

Just as a reminder, I don't make it a habit to simply throw a sermon or a sermon series into one of my podcast feeds. However, as I explained the past two weeks, I am bringing you this three part sermon series that I...
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020 GSATC SERMON – Religion BYTES Part 2

Just as a reminder, I don't make it a habit to simply throw a sermon or a sermon series into one of my podcast feeds. However, as I explained last week, I am bringing you a three part sermon series that I think would...
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019 GSATC SERMON – Religion BYTES Part 1

I don't make it a habit to simply throw a sermon or a sermon series into one of my podcast feeds. However, as you will hear in my introduction, this sermon series is something I certainly felt that those who are...
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018 GSATC – Why I Hate The church – Part 05

In this final installment of this special series, I share with you an interview with George Barna that I found on the Catalyst Podcast. I've got a lot of ideas for future shows. The past year of podcasting has been a...
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017 GSATC – Why I Hate The church – Part 04

In this fourth installment of this special series, I give you my thoughts after I have finished reading George Barna's book titled “Revolution.” Overall, I was not entirely impressed with the content of the book....
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016 GSATC – Why I Hate The church – Part 03

In this third installment of this special series, I give you my thoughts after reading the first three chapters of Barna's book titled “Revolution.” I think I am just now about to enter into the real “Meat” of this...
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015 GSATC – Why I Hate The church – Part 02

Many Christians, ‘Think Inside the Box' ‘Thinking Inside the Box' means accepting the status quo. And such thinkers find it difficult to recognize the quality of an idea, and are usually people who have no radical...
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014 GSATC – Why I Hate The church – Part 01

This is the first part of a series that I am doing called “Why I Hate The church.” In this episode, I talk about what this series is about and why I am doing such a series with such a title. I want to encourage you to...
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