022 - The Million-Dollar Mistake Most Podcasters Make (And How to Avoid It)

In this episode, I reveal the complete 11-step formula I recommend for building an online business. This valuable content—which people have paid thousands of dollars to receive in my in-person workshops—is now being shared with a wider audience.

I start by sharing my own entrepreneurial journey, which began with launching a podcast as a hobby. Over time, I discovered a desire to turn my passion for content creation into a full-time business.

However, I quickly realized that most people attempting to create an online business were failing because they started by creating content without first laying the necessary groundwork. Instead of following a strategic sequence, they jumped straight into content creation.

As a result, I developed an 11-step formula for building a successful online business:

  1. Determine your destination - What do you want your life and business to look like?
  2. Identify where you already add value - What are your gifts, talents, and areas of expertise?
  3. Determine your ideal customer - Who has the money, problems, and willingness to pay for your solutions?
  4. Learn about your ideal customers' problems - Conduct research to deeply understand their struggles.
  5. Determine your products and services - Align your offerings with your customers' needs.
  6. Create a value proposition statement - Clearly communicate who you are and how you help.
  7. Validate your business model - Get paid customers before creating content.
  8. Create Content - Create environments for people to discover who you are and what you have to offer.
  9. Attract Your Ideal Customer - AKA Grow Your Audience
  10. Market your products and services - Develop your sales and marketing skills.
  11. Test new products and services - Continuously innovate and improve.

I'm offering you free access to the $2,000 "Building an Online Business" course I've taught in-person. All you need to do is email me at [email protected] and share a bit about your entrepreneurial journey and aspirations.

If you take me up on this offer and complete the course, I'll also invite you to be my guest for two free sessions of my Next Level Coaching Program, where I can answer your questions and provide personalized guidance.

Don't hesitate - email me today and let's get you on the path to entrepreneurial success!


50% Complete

Two Step

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