Family From The Heart

Family From The Heart

Hosted by: Cliff & Stephanie Ravenscraft

In the Family From The Heart Podcast, Cliff and Stephanie give you a behind the scenes look into the lives of the Ravenscraft family. This is an entertaining podcast that is meant to be an authentic, unscripted, look...

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361 FFTH – Walking On Fire – A Full Review of Tony Robbin’s Unleash The Power Within Event

Stephanie and I have returned home after experiencing Tony Robbin's Unleash The Power Within event. Hundreds of folks have reached out to me and asked us to share a full review of our experience. Stephanie and I share...
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360 FFTH – I Want What You And Dad Have.

This is a special episode of Family From The Heart. It's our season finale episode as we plan to take the Summer off from producing the show. Stephanie and I both feel like this was a great episode to end the season...
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359 FFTH – Good Wife Gone Bad

In this week's episode of Family From the Heart, Stephanie and I talk about Billy Joel, Matthew's name on a sign, Hamilton Tickets, a spoiled white rich kid, Tony Robbins event, state testing and another topic that...
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358 FFTH – Strength Training Changes Ahead

In this week's episode of Family From The Heart, we talk about how our routine of strength training, that we have had for the past year, is about to be disrupted. Other topics included in this episode: – Cliff did...
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357 FFTH – After I Got My Way

I'm unable to locate the list of topics that Stephanie had written down for this week's episode of Family From The Heart. But I do know that she shared a story about what happened after she got her way.     Special...
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356 FFTH – Hamilton, Energy Drinks & More

In this episode of Family From The Heart, Stephanie and I talk about the following: – Pursuing The Life For Which We Were Created. – Meagan's driving. – Energy Drinks. – Hamilton. – Batman V Superman. – Zootopia. –...
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355 – Parenting In Freedom?

In a recent episode, Stephanie and I both used the word “Freedom” to describe the environment of our family and parenting. Katie wrote in and said that she was “really curious to hear more about how you are raising...
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354 – What We Love Most About Our Relationship

In this week's episode of Family From The Heart, Stephanie and I talk abut what we each love most about our relationship. We also share what worries each of us the most. I also share my thoughts on The Young Messiah...
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353 FFTH – Stephanie’s Thoughts On Teachers Who Constantly Complain, To Students, About Their Job

In this episode of Family From The Heart, Stephanie share's a rant about teachers who constantly complain, to their students, about their job. Also in this episode: – McKenna's team wins first place in the Odyssey of...
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352 FFTH – Stephanie’s Purpose In Life

In this week's episode of Family From The Heart, Stephanie and I talk about the following topics. – Stephanie was right! – Spice Girls. – Snapchat. – Kids working out. – Cliff's new hairstyle. – Eddie The Eagle. –...
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351 FFTH – It’s Okay To Let Our Kids Quit Things

In this week's episode of Family From The Heart, Stephanie and I talk about the following topics. – People love Stephanie for being who she is. – What home was like while Cliff was in New Zealand. – Snapchat and...
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350 FFTH – What Image of Money/Work Do We Want Our Kids To Have

In this week's episode of Family From The Heart, Stephanie and I share our thoughts on the image of work/money that we hope our kids will have when they grow up. We also talk about what life skills we think are...
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