Family From The Heart

Family From The Heart

Hosted by: Cliff & Stephanie Ravenscraft

In the Family From The Heart Podcast, Cliff and Stephanie give you a behind the scenes look into the lives of the Ravenscraft family. This is an entertaining podcast that is meant to be an authentic, unscripted, look...

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397 – This Little Piggy

Topics discussed in this episode of Family From The Heart. – The Big Leap – Time – The Default Parent – Soul2Soul Take 2 – Senior Pictures – The Little Piggy – Matthew is now 16 – Hitman’s Bodyguard – Ravenscraft...
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396 – Success Principles At An Early Age

In this week's episode, Stephanie and I discuss how our children are being influenced by the success principles that we have learned and have incorporated into our daily lives.
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395 – Back to School

We are back after our Summer hiatus! Below are a list of topics covered in this week's episode. – We are back, but next week, Cliff is out of town for a business trip. The next episode will be Wednesday August 30th. –...
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394 – Summer Hiatus

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393 – How We Created A Business Around Our Podcasting Efforts

To celebrate the 500th episode of The Cliff Ravenscraft Show (aka Podcast Answer Man), I invited a very special guest, my wife Stephanie, to join me. In this episode, we share our “Origin Story” or “Our Podcasting...
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392 – Mindless Dribble

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391 – We Are Doing It Wrong

When another parent heard that we are supportive of our son's passion for gaming and the aspiration of “potentially” becoming a professional gamer, that parent said “They're doing it wrong.” We had fun sharing how and...
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390 – Other People’s Moms

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388 – Rain or Shine

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387 – Stephanie’s New Theme Song

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386 Having Lunch Via Text

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