Family From The Heart

Family From The Heart

Hosted by: Cliff & Stephanie Ravenscraft

In the Family From The Heart Podcast, Cliff and Stephanie give you a behind the scenes look into the lives of the Ravenscraft family. This is an entertaining podcast that is meant to be an authentic, unscripted, look...

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337 FFTH – Changes To Holiday Plans

Stephanie and I hope that you enjoy this episode of Family From The Heart where we talk about random things that have happened in our week and where we answered several questions from those of you in our community....
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336 FFTH – The Importance of Delivering Lunch On Time

Stephanie and I hope that you enjoy this episode of Family From The Heart where we talk about random things that have happened in our week and where we answered several questions from those of you in our community....
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335 FFTH – I’m Going To Take Your Phone

In this episode of Family From The Heart, Stephanie and I answered the following questions from our community. – Have we been back to see the doctor since we started working out? – How do we communicate to our kids...
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334 FFTH – When The Boys Come Calling

In this episode of Family From The Heart, Stephanie and I covered the following topics: – Cliff's thoughts on the first 13 chapters of β€œLife & Death,” the 10th anniversary edition of Twilight retold with the...
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333 FFTH – We Have A New Favorite Movie

In this episode of Family From The Heart, we were all over the place when it comes to the type of things discussed. – At the open of the show, we answered a few questions related to our health and fitness pursuits. –...
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332 FFTH – You Asked – We Answered

In this episode, we talked about the movie β€œAloha” and answered several questions submitted by the community. Below are a list of questions addressed in this episode: 1) What advice would you give to someone who...
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331 FFTH – A Busy Season of Life

In this episode, Stephanie and I talk why our two girls are home from school today, several movie reviews, what we'll be watching on television this season and we also answer a few questions from the community. Β ...
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330 FFTH – Questions You Can Ask Your Kids

In this episode, Stephanie and I talk about an article titled 30 Questions to Ask Your Kid Instead of β€œHow Was Your Day?”. We also talked about a few other things, including a workout update and workout music...
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329 FFTH – Where We Are Today

In this episode, Stephanie and I talk about what we have been up to since we've returned from our European vacation. Β  Thanks For Subscribing To Family From The Heart:
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328 FFTH – Our European Vacation Review Part 2

In this episode, Stephanie and I talk about the second half of our two week family vacation to Europe. Β  Thanks For Subscribing To Family From The Heart:
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327 FFTH – Our European Vacation Review Part 1

In this episode, Stephanie and I announce that Family From The Heart is going to back to a weekly schedule while the kids are back in school and we also talk about the first week of our two week family vacation to...
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326 FFTH – The Future of Family From The Heart

In this episode, we talk about the future of Family From The Heart. We also give an update on our upcoming trip to Europe, our strength training workouts, summer break, dance week, two children in high school, cycling...
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